Podcast: How to Start a Music Licensing Business

Podcast graphic with title and profile image of Maddi Frick

Business Talk Sister Gawk is for avid learners that love understanding how things work and enjoy putting things to the test by trying it themselves. Whether it’s a small scale test or a full blown dream becoming reality, Ruthie and Bekkah love digging into what makes entrepreneurship happen.

Maddi Frick is a music industry representative who helps artists pitch their music for TV shows, movies, and video games. She has been in the music industry for over 10 years and has a wealth of knowledge to share. In this episode of the podcast, Maddi shares how she got into the music industry.

How to Become a Music Industry Representative

Get an internship in the music industry. Internships are a great way to learn the ropes and to make connections in the industry. We also recommend taking some courses or workshops on the music industry.

Once you have some experience in the industry, it’s important to start networking as networking is the key to success in the music industry. We recommend attending industry events and meeting people, and building a strong online presence.

Finally, be persistent. It takes time and effort to succeed in the music industry.

How to Network in the Music Industry

Networking is one of the most important things you can do in the music industry. It's how you'll meet people who can help you get your foot in the door, and it's how you'll build relationships that will last a lifetime.

But networking can be intimidating. Here are a few tips:

  1. Attend industry events. Look for events like concerts, conferences, networking happy hours, or trade shows. These are great places to meet people and learn about what's going on in the industry.

  2. Join online communities. These can be a great way to find out about job openings, learn about new trends, and get advice from other professionals.

  3. Get involved in your local music scene. If you're not sure where to start networking, get involved in your local music scene. There are always bands and artists looking for help, and this is a great way to meet people and get your foot in the door.

Networking is an essential part of the music industry. Following these tips can help you can start building the relationships that will help you succeed.

How to Kickstart Your Career in the Music Industry

The music industry is a competitive one, but it's also an exciting and rewarding one. If you're passionate about music and you're willing to work hard, there's no reason why you can't succeed in the music industry.

Here are a few tips to help you kickstart your career in the music industry:

  1. Get an education, however you don’t need to major in music business to succeed in the music industry. You can go to a college or university, take online courses, or even apprentice with a more experienced professional.

  2. Build your network. Networking is essential in the music industry. The more people you know, the more opportunities you'll have. Attend industry events, join online communities, and get involved in your local music scene.

  3. Be prepared to work hard. The music industry is a lot of work. You'll need to be willing to put in long hours and make sacrifices.


How to Get Your Songs Placed in TV Shows & Movies


Minnesotans with cool jobs: Maddi Frick talks about licensing music for movies and TV